Can A 14 Year Old Get Dental Implants?

Did you know that nearly 20% of teenagers face tooth loss? As a parent you might become concerned about your child’s dental development and the best solutions for their missing teeth. A common question that might arise is – Can a 14 year old get Dental Implants? Let’s explore whether Dental Implants are a recommended option for teens!

About Dental Implants

Dental Implants refer to titanium posts which get surgically placed into the jawbone. These posts serve as roots for artificial teeth, known as crowns. 

Implants are mainly known for their durability. They serve a very similar look to natural teeth. There are a lot of adults who choose Dental Implants, but when it comes to teenagers the decision to get them becomes a bit complicated.

Why Might A Teenager Need Dental Implants?

There are a lot of different reasons why a 14-year-old might end up needing Dental implants:

  • Congenital Issues

There are a lot of people who are born without teeth. This condition is referred to as hypodontia and leads to gaps in the smile. 

  • Injury To Tooth/Teeth

Accidents cause teeth loss. For example, falls, sports and other incidents cause dental injuries.

  • Tooth Decay

Severe decay sometimes leads to tooth loss. If a tooth gets damaged then it needs to be extracted. Hence, this gap/missing teeth can be replaced with Dental Implants.

  • Other Orthodontic Reasons

Sometimes, Dental Implants are recommended after the braces of permanent teeth go missing. 

Evaluation By Dentists

Dentists generally thoroughly evaluate before deciding whether a teenager can get Dental Implants. The evaluation includes these steps:

Step 1: Taking Of Dental X-Rays

These help dentists in assessing the condition of the jawbone. Then they help determine whether it has matured enough.

Step 2: Assessment Of Health History

After that, the dentist reviews the overall health of the teenager. This includes medical conditions and medications that might affect healing.

Step 3: Consultation

Dentists then discuss the Dental goals of teenagers and explain what to expect during and after the Implant procedure.

If the dentist decides that the jaw is not yet ready for implants, then they suggest waiting a few more years or recommend other alternative solutions.

Should A 14-Year Old Get Dental Implants Then?

One common factor that determines whether a teenager can get Dental Implants is jaw development. The jaw continues to grow and change throughout periods of childhood and adolescence. For girls, the jaw generally stops growing around the ages of 16-18 years old. While for boys, the time takes a bit longer, usually till 21 years of age. 

Dental Implants are more successful when the jawbone has already fully developed. When it comes to a fourteen-year-old’s jaw – they are still growing. Placing Implants too early on leads to misalignment and other issues. 

To put it simply, it depends on the unique circumstances of the child whether they can get Dental Implants.

Dental Implant Alternatives

If Dental Implants are not a suitable option for your teenager, then no need to worry! There are a lot of effective alternatives to consider. Each has been designed to address missing teeth and restore confidence. Partial dentures help in maintaining the structure of the mouth and improve chewing ability.

Partial Dentures

These kinds of removable appliances can replace several missing teeth. These are less invasive as compared to Implants and serve as a good temporary solution.

Dental Bridges

They get used to filling gaps that are left by missing teeth. A bridge is made of two crowns for teeth on either side of the gap. It also consists of a false tooth in the middle.


Sometimes, braces and other orthodontic treatments help in closing gaps that get left by missing teeth. This serves as a great alternative for dental implants.

Space Maintainers

If a primary tooth gets lost early, then a space maintainer holds a spot for a permanent tooth. This is until it is ready to come in. 

Importance Of Good Oral Hygiene

If a teenager does end up getting Dental Implants, then maintaining excellent oral hygiene becomes crucial. Just like natural teeth, Implants also need to be cared for properly. This prevents any risks and complications. By regular brushing, flossing and getting dental check-ups you can make sure that the Dental Implants remain healthy.

In Conclusion,

As you can tell, a 14-year-old can get Dental Implants but it mainly depends on their unique circumstances. This is even more so for the development of their jaw. For people who aren’t candidates for Dental Implants yet, there are alternative treatments available that help address missing teeth. 

If you are considering Dental Implants for your teenager, then reach out to Dr. Anuradha Bose’s clinic for expert guidance and personalized care. Schedule a consultation with us today to ensure your child’s smile remains as bright as ever!

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